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Add a Nexus Artifact Source Using API

This topic describes how to create, read, update, and delete Nexus Artifact Source using Harness GraphQL APIs.

Before You Begin

Step: Create a Nexus Artifact Source

Use this sample query to create a Nexus Artifact Source.


You create a Nexus Artifact Source using the mutation createConnector.

mutation CreateConnector($connector: CreateConnectorInput!) {  
createConnector(input: $connector) {
connector {
...on NexusConnector{

Query Variables

The Query Variables follow this syntax, with connectorType identifying the Nexus Artifact Source to create.

To fetch the passwordSecretId use:

"connector": {
"connectorType": "NEXUS",
"nexusConnector": {
"passwordSecretId": "xxxxxxxYYzzz",
"userName": "harnesstest"

Step: Update a Nexus Artifact Source

Use this sample query to update a Nexus Artifact Source.


You update a Nexus Artifact Source using the mutation updateConnector.

mutation UpdateConnector($connector: UpdateConnectorInput!) {  
updateConnector(input: $connector) {
connector {

Query Variables

The Query Variables follow this syntax, with connectorType identifying the Nexus Artifact Source to update. See Fetch the Connector ID to get the connector ID details.

"connector": {
"connectorType": "NEXUS",
"connectorId": "xxxxxyxxxaaaqqq",
"nexusConnector": {
"passwordSecretId": "xxxxxxxYYzzz",
"userName": "harnesstest"

Fetch the Connector ID

Use the following query to fetch the ID of a connector. A list of connectors is returned based on the set filters. You can select the ID of the connector that you want to update.

connectors(filters: [{connectorType: {operator: EQUALS, values: NEXUS}}], limit: 20) {
nodes {

Step: Delete a Nexus Artifact Source

You delete a Nexus Artifact Source using the mutation deleteConnector. Deleting a Nexus Artifact Source requires its ID only.

mutation DeleteConnectorMutation($connector: DeleteConnectorInput!) {  
deleteConnector(input: $connector) {

Query Variables

Query Variables, with connectorId identifies the Nexus Artifact Source to delete.

"connector": {
"connectorId": "xxxxxx"
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