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Upgrading from 2.19.x to 2.20.x Error Authenticating Against EKS Clusters (heptio-authenticator-aws)


Upon upgrading from 2.19.x to 2.20.x, heptio-authenticator-aws errors appear in CloudDriver LogsThe following type of error can be found in the CloudDriver Logs 2020-07-09 09:38:57.221 WARN 1 --- [0.0-7002-exec-5] c.n.s.c.k.v.c.ManifestController : Failed to read manifest$KubectlException: Failed to read ingress from [podname]: Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: exec: "heptio-authenticator-aws": executable file not found in $PATH

at ~[clouddriver-kubernetes-v2-GCSFIX.jar:na]


Heptio authenticator changed names within Kubernetes SIG as per: used to symlink heptio to the iam authenticator, but this was removed to preserve the original naming practice, as of 2.20.x

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