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An Explanation of MySQl/PostGres Tables Involved in Armory Agent for Kubernetes

Armory Agent for Kubernetes requires an SQL-based database (MySQL/Postgres).

Before starting

Please refer to the following instructions before installing the Agent plugin and the Agent:  For instructions on how to enable an SQL-based database for Clouddriver, please refer to:

Table Structure

The tables involved with the Armory Agent plugin begin with the name kubesvc_%.  These tables are all necessary for the functionality of Armory Agent. Below is an example of the tables involved in the Armory Agent operations and the data they contain

mysql> show tables like '%kubesvc%';
| Tables_in_clouddriver (%kubesvc%) |
| kubesvc_accounts |
| kubesvc_assignments |
| kubesvc_cache |
| kubesvc_cache_rel |
| kubesvc_ops |
| kubesvc_ops_history |
| kubesvc_resourceversion |


kubesvc_accounts contains the list of accounts that are onboarded through Agent.

mysql> select * from kubesvc_accounts;
| name | last_updated | kube_version | kube_host | cert_fingerprint | max_watch_age_seconds | props |
| xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | 1654473329967 | v1.19.16-eks-25803e | | D8:F2:C9:EF:FC:98:6B:12:A9:AB:99:CC:28:B7:FF:F8 | 300000 | {"permissions":{"READ":["admin-role"],"WRITE":["admin-role"]}} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



kubesvc_assignments contains the account, agent pod id and the Clouddriver pod that that the Agent is registered with along with the current status of the connection

mysql> select * from kubesvc_assignments;
| id | account_name | cd_id | connections | caching | reachable | last_updated | agent_id |
| 359 | xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | spin-clouddriver-66f9ff86b6-729dg | 1 | 0x01 | 0x01 | 1654473449959 | armory-agent-6cbfdd9fcd-wx62t |



kubesvc_cache contains all the objects that Agents have discovered.  Querying this table would display all discovered objects.  It is advised to query this table with a where condition to limit the output.



kubesvc_cache_rel contains the relations between the discovered objects. For example:A kubernetes deployment would have a relationship to a replicaset that would also have a relationship to a pod.  Querying this table would result in all the objects registered, and it is advised to query this table with a where condition to limit the output.



kubesvc_ops contains the status of the live operations before they are moved to kubesvc_ops_history table.



kubesvc_ops_history contains the operations history and Clouddriver and the Agents that processed them.  The table contains the data returned as an output when invoking the below endpoint. curl -kv http://spin-clouddriver:7002/armory/agent/operations/{opId}

mysql> select * from kubesvc_ops_history where operation_id='01G4V5TH5QSWSR2SZE2VH1SDME';
| operation_id | start_time | end_time | total_duration_ms | final_outcome | account | operation_type | received_by_cd_id | received_by_cd_time | processed_by_cd_id | processed_by_cd_time | sent_to_agent_id | sent_to_agent_time | res_received_from_agent_agent_id | res_received_from_agent_cd_id | res_received_from_agent_time | res_received_from_agent_result_status | res_received_from_agent_result_duration_ms | res_received_by_cd_id | res_received_by_cd_time |
| 01G4V5TH5QSWSR2SZE2VH1SDME | 6502796751 | 6502796918404936 | 167 | completed | gowri-agent-spinnaker-agent | Deploy | spin-clouddriver-66f9ff86b6-729dg | 6502796751 | spin-clouddriver-66f9ff86b6-729dg | 1654474491122 | armory-agent-6cbfdd9fcd-wx62t | 1654474491136 | armory-agent-6cbfdd9fcd-wx62t | spin-clouddriver-66f9ff86b6-729dg | 1654474491162 | 200 | 14 | spin-clouddriver-66f9ff86b6-729dg | 1654474491223 |



kubesvc_resourceversion contains the resource kinds that Agent caches. 

mysql> select * from kubesvc_resourceversion limit 5;
| id | account | ns_group_kind | resourceversion | last_updated |
| | xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | | 478732709 | 1654342418241 |
| gowri-agent-spinnaker-agent::apps.DaemonSet | xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | :apps.DaemonSet | 478751878 | 1654342985243 |
| gowri-agent-spinnaker-agent::apps.Deployment | xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | :apps.Deployment | 440962934 | 1654474372920 |
| gowri-agent-spinnaker-agent::apps.ReplicaSet | xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | :apps.ReplicaSet | 480021810 | 1654473488764 |
| gowri-agent-spinnaker-agent::apps.StatefulSet | xxxxx-agent-spinnaker-agent | :apps.StatefulSet | 478751878 | 1654342985659 |

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